Marriott Architecture and Construction goes mobile with SharePoint for field construction documents on iPads, probably saving 100s of hours per hotel development task with a 15X ROI. Gordon Highlander needed a Construction Work Log in SharePoint to bring visibility to case study answer status of all tasks. This decreased assignment management effort from 28 to 12 hours per task, for 240% augment. Chick fil A integrated SharePoint for development projects with Autodesk and asset control methods to renovate 4,000 restaurants, growing one system out of 3. 400X ROI. Well spend some time learning more about your enterprise and latest demanding situations to check if there’s a fit with our talents and values. When Uber began operations in 2010, case study solution company immediately followed this think tank template on an almost copy and paste basis. But Uber succeeded where case study answer think tanks had failed, because its investor funded subsidies allowed it to without delay link these manufactured narratives about recommendations and case study solution evils of taxi law to case study answer tangible albeit unsustainable merits of higher service and lower fares. But it never explained how it can do those things profitably, or why no one else in case study solution historical past of case study answer taxi industry had ever discovered Ubers magic formula. As is commonly seen in partisan political contexts, case study solution crucial framing of Ubers PR narrative was an epic, us versus them battle, with basic moral issues at stake. Uber, case study solution heroic technology innovator, was combating a battle for development and financial freedom towards law, case study answer enemy that Ubers traders had to conquer. The us versus them framing stokes tribal loyalties, and case study answer moral battle against evil forces framing precludes case study answer opportunity of cautious analysis, open debate, or compromise.