But some drivers remain skeptical. “Its variety of stupid to think they can pacify a group of drunk passengers with a Bop It versus investing in real safety measures,” says Campbell, who runs case study solution Rideshare Guy, a well-liked blog about driving for Uber and Lyft. Of course, drivers do have some control over just how much risk they tackle. They can choose not to work in case study solution wee hours or to circumvent those parts of town where they may not feel safe. They also can try not to pick out up passengers at bars and other locales. And many drivers do exactly that, even though it may cut into their pay. As noted throughout this series, some directories have monitoring features and provide article stats, some do not. In my opinion, time would be better spent concentrated on highly trafficked directories, submitting to them, and judging case study solution general development of your article marketing crusade over a amount of time eg, a month, a quarter, half year, etc. I once read an article that said, specially with Internet advertising, its not case study solution instant outcomes youre after however I have been pleased with this aspect of my little crusade so far, but case study solution long run benefits of developing your self as a professional. Once you establish your talents and your trustworthiness and this comes from customers seeing you in many different places across a amount of time it will be that much easier to make case study solution sale. READER QUESTIONS As I’ve been getting quite a lot of inquiries from readers, I will devote Monday’s 11/06 issue to answering all of them. So, send in yours mailto:.