Cocobolo Cocobolo is a tropical, Mexican hardwood used for sides and backs. It is fast, responsive and produces a bright sound. Granadillo Granadillo is a scarce wood, considered a type of rosewood, though it is denser. It is historically used for marimba bars, and when used for case study solution sides and backs of acoustic guitars, produces an identical clear, ringing tone. Koa Koa is a Hawaiian wood with a definite golden color that emphasizes mid range tones. It is used for all parts of an acoustic guitar body, but is commonly found on more expensive guitars due to its shortage. Mentions of Strategyand confer with case study answer global team of functional strategists it is built-in within case study answer PwC network of firms. For more about Strategyand, see . No replica is authorised in whole or part with out written permission of PwC. strategy+business is an indicator of PwC. It may be apparent that Corn Flakes and Frosted Flakes are both made by Kellogg’s, but did you know that Hot Pockets and L’Oreal share a parent company in Nestl?A ginormous number of brands are controlled by just 10 multinationals, in line with this outstanding infographic from French blog Convergence Alimentaire. Now we can see just how many products are owned by Kraft, Coca Cola, General Mills, Kellogg’s, Mars, Unilever, Johnson and Johnson, PandG and Nestl.