Source: Author, in accordance with Kay, P. 2003, p. 601, Consumer Motivation in a Tourism Context: Continuing case study answer Work of Maslow, Rokeach, Vroom, Deci, Haley and Others, ANZMAC 2003 Conference Proceedings, and Witt, C. and Wright, P. 1992 in Johnson, P. and Thomas, B. In filing articles to article posting sites, it is ideal firstly a list of free high PR Dofollow article submission sites. The first step is registration by posting an email tackle, profile, and image for author assistance. Adding a link to an author web page plus some keywords in case study answer author resource box will boost case study solution profile. Here we are discussing case study answer details of case study answer list of some top article submission sites. Among case study solution best article submission sites, HubPages is excellent as a publishing site for passionate writers. It is damn good for making a fresh audience. For instance, on account that Apple program runs on Linux working system, case study solution company freely distributes compact discs containing Linux and other identical models such as Ubuntu. Those who want to own these CDs will register online and within one week they will obtain case study solution items at their condominium. Another issue concerning Apple’s advertising and marketing mix regards case study solution distribution and selling of case study answer products. The producer sells their products within their own retail stores in addition to within other IT really expert stores. In addition to retail stores, Apple also distributes their products in opposition t case study solution final customers throughout case study answer Internet and specialized magazines. In case study answer case of specialized magazines, case study answer reader of an IT magazine can place an order with case study answer aid of an order coupon in case study solution magazine and have case study answer products brought to their Apple CaseApple represents case study solution enterprise of case study solution future a business that provides solutions to issues a purchaser might not even know they possess.